This is the place to find the papers I've written. Till now, most of them are written in German - sorry for that!
I try to create new papers in English, that more people might read, understand and use them.
If you want the tex sourcecode or figures, don't hesitate to
contact me.
"Utilization of Sparsity Awareness in the Simplex Algorithm" (English)
In this thesis, several modifications to the Simplex algorithm for sparse vector recovery are proposed and investigated.
The algorithms are applied for Gaussian sensing matrices and coherence-optimized BASC matrices. Also some statistical
analysis of the runtime, measured in required Simplex steps, is performed. The thesis was written for the awarding of
the master degree in computer science.
"Automatic Speaker Recognition" (English)
This short introduction to Automatic Speaker Recognition (ASR) was created for a course related project
required by the M.Sc. in Computer Science degree program.
"Articulated Motion Estimation" (English)
For the awarding of the bachelor degree in computer systems engineering, I've written that bachelor thesis.
It describes the implementation and evaluation of a gradient-based approach for motion estimation of articulated
data. The implementation is done in matlab, but the source code is not included (contact me).
"Kompression von Integern" (German)
This is a collection of codes for integers with a short theoretical introduction and some comparison.
"Automatische Programmanalyse" (German)
For the awarding of the bachelor degree in computer science, I've written this bachelor thesis. It defines a class
of small programs and describes tools to analyze them. The goal was to find closed form equations for the values of the registers
used in the programs for each time step. This is done with the help of the z-transformation.
"Planarisierung von Graphen" (German)
Based on the paper 'Planarity testing revisited' from Datta & Prakriya (2011), an algorithm is explained, that
creates a planar embedding of a graph if it's possible or cancels otherwise. It's actually an explanation with examples.