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Party/Drinking Game

Introduction and Results

Every now and then there are occasions when people gather e.g. on a party or for a weekend on a hut. To keep the entertainment level high, there is a huge variety of dice/card/cup/block/.. games available. Sometimes also modified versions of children games are used.
My goal was to design and build a base hardware that allows the implementation of different games for such events. Here are the results:

Requirements and Games

To interact with the game, every player gets some space to put his hand, a button, a RGB LED and the instructions on a (common) OLED display.
The hardware should be transportable and usable without any external power source.
The initial implemented games are:

Shopping List


The housing is designed using openscad:

I have printed all parts in PLA (diffusors in white). Unfortunately the micro-usb connector didn't fit, so I had to manually modify it with the soldering iron.


After buying/printing all the parts, the fun begins!
Attach the OLED display with the frame onto the top using four screws. Remember the PIN layout of the display!
Glue the LEDs onto their pedestals and connect them in a circle. Check the direction and leave one part open!
Connect one PIN of each push button to GND. This can be done in a circle and then connecting it to GND of the display.
Connect the battery outputs of the TP4056 to the spring connectors for the battery. (I've designed it for two batteries in parallel, but one is enough!)
Adjust the Step up converter board to produce 5V output voltage. Check your datasheet for it!
Connect the consumer output of the TP4056 via the power toggle switch to the step up converter board.
Connect the step up 5V output (+/-) to the LEDs, the OLED display and the ESP32 board.
Connect the free PINs of the push buttons to the GPIOs of the ESP32.
Connect the I2C data PINs of the OLED display to the GPIOs of the ESP32.
Make sure you can still reach the micro-usb port of the ESP32 to flash the first firmware. Later we can use OTA (over-the-air) updates for it.

Note: The battery should not be charged while the game is in use, as it could result in an overcharge of the battery. For more information and how to improve it, see here.


A couple of libraries are used:
LEDs, Buttons and Display are abstracted away and injected as dependencies to the business/game logic. Check the corresponding headers for PIN layouts, etc!
On start-up some small checks are done and then a selection menu is shown. Based on this, one Game instance is created, initialized and then executed in a loop. This way it is easy to add new games.. :)

PS: The OtaServer is also implemented as a game. Ensure you set it up correctly, then you hopefully never need to open the housing anymore!

The version from 2022-12-10 can be found here: